First Year D Pharmacy Books

First Year D Pharmacy Books

Human Anatomy and Physiologylist of Recommended Books (Latest Edition)

  1. C.Chatterjee
  2. HumanAnatomy andPhysiology by S.Chaudhary andA.Chaudhary
  3. DerasariandGandhi’selementsofHumanAnatomy,PhysiologyandHealthEducation
  4. R. KaleandR.R. Kale, TextbookofPractical AnatomyandPhysiology
  5. Ross and WilsonAnatomyandPhysiologyinHealth and illness
  6. HumanAnatomy andPhysiologyby TortoraGerardJ
  7. FundamentalsofMedical PhysiologybyK.SambulingamandPSambulingam
  8. G.TextBookofPractical Physiology
  9. K.,NatvarM.P.andShahS.A.,PracticalAnatomy,PhysiologyandBiochemistry,ExperimentalPhysiology

Pharmaceutical Chemistry list of Recommended Books (Latest Edition)

  1. Medicinal &PharmaceuticalchemistrybyHarikishanSingh and VKKapoor
  2. WilsonandGriswold’sTextbookofOrganicMedicinalandpharmaceuticalChemistry
  3. PracticalOrganicChemistry by MannandSaunders.
  4. PracticalPharmaceuticalChemistry,Volume-I&IIbyBeckettandJ.B.Stenlake
  5. IndianPharmacopoeia
  6. Vogel’stextbook ofPractical Organic Chemistry

Pharmaceutics-list of Recommended Books (Latest Edition)

  1. HarikishanSingh
  2. Indian Pharmacopoeia, Govt. ofIndia Publication
  3. AText bookofPharmaceuticals FormulationbyB.M. Mithal, VallabhPrakashan.
  4. Bentleys’ Text book ofPharmaceutics,Editor E.A.Rawlins,ElsevierInt.,
  5. LeonLachman,HerbertLiebermanandJosephKanig,Editors,LeaandFebiger,Philadelphia.VarghesePublishingHouse
  6. Responsible Use of Medicines: A Layman’s Handbook, /publications

Pharmacognosy list of Recommended Books (Latest Edition)

  1. K.Kokate, S.B.Gokhale, A.P.Purohit , NiraliPrakashan
  2. S.Shah and J.S.Qadry, CBS Publishers &Distributors Pvt.Ltd.
  3. E.Wallis.CBS Publishers &D istributors Pvt.Ltd.
  4. A.Iyengar, Manipal Press Ltd, Manipal
  5. Powder crude drugs by M.A.Iyengar, Manipal Press Ltd, Manipal
  6. A.Iyengar, Manipal Press Ltd, Manipal
  7. D D Banerjee, B Jain Publishers(P)Ltd

Pharmacology list of Recommended Books (Latest Edition)

  1. Pharma Satoskar, R.S. and Bhandarkar, S.D. Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics
  2. B. Suresh, A Text Book of Pharmacology
  3. Derasari and Gandhi’s Elements of Pharmacology
  4. S.K. Kulkarni, Practical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy
  5. H.K. Sharma. Principles of Pharmacology
  6. Mary J. Mycek, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Lippincott’s illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology
  7. Tripathi, K.D. Essentials of Medical Pharmacology.
  8. Various Drug Information Books like British National Formulary, MIMS, CIMS, Drug Today etc., WHO, NIH Websites

Social Pharmacy list of Recommended Books (Latest Edition)

  1. Social Pharmacy–Geoff Harding, Sarah Nettleton and KevinTaylor. The Pharmaceutical Press.
  2. Text Book of Community Pharmacy Practice. RPSGB Publication
  3. Community Pharmacy Handbook-Jonathan Water field
  4. SK hurana, P Suresh and RKalsi. Health Education & Community Pharmacy .S Vikas & Co
  5. Social Pharmacy: Tayler, Geoffrey. Pharmaceutical Press.London.
  6. Textbook by  Dandiya PC, Zafer ZYK, Zafer A. Health education & Community Pharmacy. Vallabh Prakashan.
  7. Websites of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, National Health Portal
  8. Pharmacists at the    Front lines: A Novel Approach at Combating TB Visit Publications
  9. Where There Is No Doctor :A Village Health Care Handbook by David Werner , 2015 updated version
  10. Various WHO publications 

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