First Year D Pharmacy Books
Human Anatomy and Physiologylist of Recommended Books (Latest Edition)
- C.Chatterjee
- HumanAnatomy andPhysiology by S.Chaudhary andA.Chaudhary
- DerasariandGandhi’selementsofHumanAnatomy,PhysiologyandHealthEducation
- R. KaleandR.R. Kale, TextbookofPractical AnatomyandPhysiology
- Ross and WilsonAnatomyandPhysiologyinHealth and illness
- HumanAnatomy andPhysiologyby TortoraGerardJ
- FundamentalsofMedical PhysiologybyK.SambulingamandPSambulingam
- G.TextBookofPractical Physiology
- K.,NatvarM.P.andShahS.A.,PracticalAnatomy,PhysiologyandBiochemistry,ExperimentalPhysiology
Pharmaceutical Chemistry list of Recommended Books (Latest Edition)
- Medicinal &PharmaceuticalchemistrybyHarikishanSingh and VKKapoor
- WilsonandGriswold’sTextbookofOrganicMedicinalandpharmaceuticalChemistry
- PracticalOrganicChemistry by MannandSaunders.
- PracticalPharmaceuticalChemistry,Volume-I&IIbyBeckettandJ.B.Stenlake
- IndianPharmacopoeia
- Vogel’stextbook ofPractical Organic Chemistry
Pharmaceutics-list of Recommended Books (Latest Edition)
- HarikishanSingh
- Indian Pharmacopoeia, Govt. ofIndia Publication
- AText bookofPharmaceuticals FormulationbyB.M. Mithal, VallabhPrakashan.
- Bentleys’ Text book ofPharmaceutics,Editor E.A.Rawlins,ElsevierInt.,
- LeonLachman,HerbertLiebermanandJosephKanig,Editors,LeaandFebiger,Philadelphia.VarghesePublishingHouse
- Responsible Use of Medicines: A Layman’s Handbook, /publications
Pharmacognosy list of Recommended Books (Latest Edition)
- K.Kokate, S.B.Gokhale, A.P.Purohit , NiraliPrakashan
- S.Shah and J.S.Qadry, CBS Publishers &Distributors Pvt.Ltd.
- E.Wallis.CBS Publishers &D istributors Pvt.Ltd.
- A.Iyengar, Manipal Press Ltd, Manipal
- Powder crude drugs by M.A.Iyengar, Manipal Press Ltd, Manipal
- A.Iyengar, Manipal Press Ltd, Manipal
- D D Banerjee, B Jain Publishers(P)Ltd
Pharmacology list of Recommended Books (Latest Edition)
- Pharma Satoskar, R.S. and Bhandarkar, S.D. Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics
- B. Suresh, A Text Book of Pharmacology
- Derasari and Gandhi’s Elements of Pharmacology
- S.K. Kulkarni, Practical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy
- H.K. Sharma. Principles of Pharmacology
- Mary J. Mycek, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Lippincott’s illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology
- Tripathi, K.D. Essentials of Medical Pharmacology.
- Various Drug Information Books like British National Formulary, MIMS, CIMS, Drug Today etc., WHO, NIH Websites
Social Pharmacy list of Recommended Books (Latest Edition)
- Social Pharmacy–Geoff Harding, Sarah Nettleton and KevinTaylor. The Pharmaceutical Press.
- Text Book of Community Pharmacy Practice. RPSGB Publication
- Community Pharmacy Handbook-Jonathan Water field
- SK hurana, P Suresh and RKalsi. Health Education & Community Pharmacy .S Vikas & Co
- Social Pharmacy: Tayler, Geoffrey. Pharmaceutical Press.London.
- Textbook by Dandiya PC, Zafer ZYK, Zafer A. Health education & Community Pharmacy. Vallabh Prakashan.
- Websites of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, National Health Portal
- Pharmacists at the Front lines: A Novel Approach at Combating TB Visit Publications
- Where There Is No Doctor :A Village Health Care Handbook by David Werner , 2015 updated version
- Various WHO publications